This guy by the name of
Ee Ven Soh
who was born on December 29th 1986 is one of the digital artist born in Malaysia that i have spotted.
His creative fields are in
illustration, graphic design and digital art.
After high school, he took Computer Science at the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 2007, then he went for the student exchange program doing the same course at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2008 and after that went back to his previous university in 2009.
His few main focus were
software/mobile application, web constructing and motion visualization.
After finish studying,
he first started joining a Malaysian company doing interactive marketing called
OgiIvyOne Worldwide, from December 2009 till February 2010.
He then switched to Resn in New Zealand, also an interactive agency, from March 2010 till June 2010. Now, he is with Shift, a Japan-based company in New Zealand.
HARDBASSThe first thing that i love about this artist
is that he is very honest to himself, choosing art as his life tho he has no formal foundation related to art at all. He, a student of computer science felt that the urge and passion of art in his heart is so great that he starts to explore digital art by himself by just looking at other cool digital artist's work and give it a try when he is free during his night time by just refering to tutorials that he can get from the web, reading articles and visiting design news portals everyday.
He only started designing seriously in 2007.
His designs and artwork are one of a kind.
Loving colors, shapes, 3D, balance, perspective and drawings,
he combine it all into his artwork.
His is good at doing photo manipulation, adding those elements in his works and made them interesting while maintaining the original value of the photos.
Lastly, the fact that he is a hardworking guy and
he never fail to give it a try, that's the most impressive quality that i love about him and gives impact to me to also give it a try and keep it up till i gain what best i think i can get from what im doing.
His quote in an interview that i read
"Stay in love with what you believe and stay hungry for knowledge"