Wednesday, July 21, 2010



digital art

New media art
is a gerne that uses new technologies including digital art,
computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, internet art, interactive art technology and computer robotics to produce artwork.
This art works then delivered through telecommunications, mass media and digital modes.

If questioned about the exact time when new media art started, there would be no exact answer for that. It is because new media art started when technology and computer science meet with art, which we do not know when and where the specific date and place that incident took place.

digital drawing

The fun of doing an artwork using this method is that, you can combine any technology to produce wonderful artwork. For example redrawing a figure using a laptop, a software and a drawing tablet. You can just modify the things you want to : the shape and etc.
Another one is that using a camera with slow shutter speed and capture a moving light to create abstract artpiece.
One of the artist in this field who is based in New Orleans, Eric Ehlenberger is doing neon art and sculpture.

slow shutter drawing

One main issue regarding the artwork of new media art is that it is nearly impossible to preserved or documented. This is because, when the technology becomes more advance, our previous technology will no longer be used, which means that the previous artwork with the older format will no longer be compatible to the current technology which uses a better format.
Another issue that pops up between new media art and traditional method art
is that some wants and thinks that the traditional method is much better and meaningful while some say that this new media is better and the traditional method should be make fade in society.

3D modeling & animation

I strongly believe that
having new media art in our daily lives makes our world more interesting day by day as we explore the fantasy of our mind which slowly made visible by this kind of art today.
But by keeping the old method or applying it together with the new method, this should add more value of the artwork created.

To conclude, new media art is very important to step more steps further into exploring the limit of art while preserving the traditional way to make sure that the fine art of human kind would not fade, eaten by time.



existential graffiti

Graffiti is a kind of art which also is a type of crime.
Why so?
in my personal view, it is so because graffiti is the expression of an idea transferred from the brain to the hand then applied or drawn in the canvas or the walls owned by other people.
In other words, graffiti is an act of marking on other people's property without their approval.

The word "graffiti" originally comes from an italian word "graffiare" which means little scratching. Graffiti started since ancient times when man started to apply their thoughts and ideas on the wall of caves by using stones or medium that leave marks when scratched on a surface.
The American Heritage Dictionary defined that graffiti is a drawing on inscription made on walls or other surface, to be seen by the public ( 2005 ).

The modern graffiti era started in New York which literally given the title "The Capital and Cultural Centre of Graffiti".

tagger graffiti

Graffiti is divided into few categories.
The first one is the tagger graffiti (tagging). This is also known as the street art design covering from the simplest design to the most complex ones.

conventional graffiti

Conventional graffiti is all about applying ideas spontaneously.
Political graffiti is used to deliver or express ideas against establishment and uses the public as audience to communicate to.

ideological graffiti

The ideological graffiti in the other hand not only deliver political messages but also racial, religious and ethnic ideas.

gang graffiti

Gang graffiti is often used to deliver threats of violence or to mark their territory.

existential graffiti

Existential graffiti is about personal commentaries or expressive graffiti which is divided into few subcategories depending on the theme such as sexual, radical, love, religious, self, non-sexual, philosophical and humorous.

piecing graffiti

Piecing is an expression to decorate names and it demands artistic skills and good knowledge of handling aerosol paint. This technique needs better skill and more sophisticated style than of a tagger.

Graffiti is usually placed or painted on both public and private property such as both the inner and the outer part of the train, buses, transit station and shelters.

During the early period, the competition of graffiti is all about fame and quantity. It all changed during the second period, where style is the most important element to rank yourself in the graffiti world.

TAKI 183

One of the famous artist that started graffiti art is called TAKI 183, specialized in tagging, who is a Greek American boy named Demetrius.

This type of art has been giving huge impact on society in terms of ideas and the way they act when confronting it. Before, the society hated graffiti so much for it destroys their property and they have to use a large sum of money to repaint and repair their belongings. As time passed by, the society slowly begin to appreciate graffiti and accept it as an art. The elements of graffiti is also used wodely in the advertisement and music industries related to hiphop music and are able to make good money out of lt.

To conclude, graffiti is mainly about telling the public about feelings and the technique and creativity upon applying it so that the message that it carries will be able to reach the minds that come to contact with it accurately.